Author Archive
SMVRR Business Special
by admin on Aug.07, 2013, under SMVRR
The second annual Santa Maria Valley Railroad Business Special ran last weekend from Los Angeles to Seattle. Dad and I went again this year along with Vickie and Lynn! Didn’t take any photos this year (too busy with business and enjoying myself), but last year’s photos will do the trick: (the weather was much better last year for photos, too). This year’s group is pictured below. Don’t miss the SMVRR drumhead!
4th of July at Bitter Creek
by admin on Jul.06, 2013, under BCWRR
I managed to get up to Bitter Creek on Saturday and found lots of activity, as you might imagine. All the photos:
112-foot Chocolate Train
by admin on May.09, 2013, under Uncategorized
How could I resist mentioning this?… Trains AND chocolate! Click here for an article and more pics.
PCRy Field Trip
by admin on May.04, 2013, under Friends-SMVRR, PCRy
The Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad enjoyed a great field trip along the old right-of-way of the Pacific Coast Railway under Kevin’s able leadership. Check out all the photos:
New Web Design for the Friends of the SMVRR
by admin on Apr.12, 2013, under Friends-SMVRR
This week we launched a new design for the website of the Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad:
3-Mule “Train”
by admin on Apr.07, 2013, under Uncategorized
On the streets of Simi Valley! I guess you could say we were at the right place at the right time.