Author Archive
Santa Susana Depot
by admin on Apr.07, 2013, under SMVRR, Uncategorized
While on a little weekend getaway with Lynn, we stopped in at the Santa Susana Depot. Very nicely done restoration, museum, HO layout, etc. And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a 3-some of GE 70-tonners pulling a train!
Photos: (the depot photos start about halfway down)
Presidents Weekend Run at Bitter Creek
by admin on Feb.16, 2013, under BCWRR
Loads of trains and activity:
Friends Tour SLO Historical Railroad District
by admin on Feb.09, 2013, under Friends-SMVRR
We learned an awful lot from each other as we toured around the SLO Railroad Historic District this chilly Saturday morning. Rob and Dennis particularly shared firsthand experiences of the sights and sounds in this area, and Gary was loaded with information he and the museum have gathered on the history of the district.
Central Coast Railroad Festival 2012
by admin on Oct.08, 2012, under Amtrak, CCRRF, Friends-SMVRR, SMVRR
Lots of layouts to see, events to attend, and excurstions to ride! And it’s all now in the history books. Here’s an index to the photos we have of the 2012 Central Coast Railroad Festival:
SMVRR Business Special
by admin on Aug.14, 2012, under Amtrak, SMVRR
Dad and I went on a Santa Maria Valley Railroad business excursion to Seattle, for a little business and a little pleasure. What an experience. Private railcars are an exceptional way to travel. Six pages of photos start here:
Narrow Gauge Meet at Bitter Creek
by admin on Aug.04, 2012, under BCWRR
Another beautiful weekend at Bitter Creek Western Railroad for the annual Narrow Gauge Meet.