Author Archive
CCRRF Photos
by admin on Oct.22, 2021, under CCRRF
I’ve got a few photos from the 2021 Central Coast Railroad Festival posted on the CCRRF website. Here’s the index:
Central Coast Railroad Festival
by admin on Oct.02, 2021, under CCRRF, SLORRM
The grands and I spent today checking out a couple venues during the Central Coast Railroad Festival, specifically the SLO Railroad Museum and the Oceano Depot/SLO Model Railroad Association.
Photo Contest Submission
by admin on Aug.27, 2021, under Uncategorized
I submitted some photos to the contest that the Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad is running. The photo contest details are here. I could only submit one photo in each of three categories: SMVRR Past, SMVRR Present, and UPRR Manifest serving SMVRR. The photos I downselected from which to choose for my final submission are here. Can you guess which three I submitted? Below is one of the 17 photos in the gallery.
Railroad Festival Taking Shape
by admin on Aug.26, 2021, under Uncategorized
The Central Coast Railroad Festival is taking shape! The return-from-COVID Festival is slated for October 1-3, 2021 with some stuff before and after. Check out the Full 2021 CCRRF Schedule.
Rocky Mountaineer Launches Denver-Moab Excursion
by admin on Aug.19, 2021, under Uncategorized
The same Rocky Mountaineer that I took with Robob and Papa Bill many moons ago across the Canadian Rockies (pics from that 2008 trip are below and here) has launched a new excursion across the Colorado Rockies! It’s expensive ($1100 to $1650 per person one-way), but probably well worth it, like the Canadian trip. Their web page on this new trip is here.
To Shiny Rails Sponsors CCRRF
by admin on Aug.10, 2021, under Uncategorized
I’ve been quite involved with the Central Coast Railroad Festival ever since its inception in 2009, mostly as webmaster and organizer, including chairing the event this year for the second time. But this year for the first time I sponsored something – the train trip tickets for the kids’ coloring contest. And don’t forget the SLO-SB Rail Guide for that trip that I created under the auspices of the Friends of the SMVRR some years ago. I needed a logo to put on the Sponsor page, so I modified this old favorite photo: