BCWRR web site problems
by admin on May.20, 2010, under BCWRR
You may have noticed that the regular Bitter Creek Western Railroad (BCWRR) web site address (http://www.bittercreekwesternrr.org/) is not working. While we work on this issue, a backup copy of the site is being made available here: http://www.jf2.com/bcwrr/. Also, a new permanent domain name is: http://bcwrr.org/
SLORRM Train Fest at Bitter Creek
by admin on Mar.28, 2010, under BCWRR
Lots of people, lots of trains! http://www.bcwrr.org/100328.html
Work Day at Bitter Creek
by admin on Mar.27, 2010, under BCWRR
It was a great day to be workin’ on the railroad… http://www.bcwrr.org/100327.html
Presidents’ Weekend Run at Bitter Creek: Monday
by admin on Feb.15, 2010, under BCWRR
Among other things, boiler inspections were going on today. http://www.bcwrr.org/100215.html
Run (i.e. Fun) Day at Bitter Creek
by admin on Jan.24, 2010, under BCWRR
Started out gorgeous, but got a little cool starting about noon. Hot dogs and trains! http://www.bcwrr.org/100124.html
Work Day at Bitter Creek
by admin on Jan.23, 2010, under BCWRR
It was a gorgeous day (finally), and Dad and I had a great time working up at Bitter Creek today. All the pics are here: http://www.bcwrr.org/100123.html