To Shiny Rails

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Midland Depot in Divide, CO

by on Jun.11, 2023, under Colorado

After our second and last show at the John Wesley Ranch, I stopped very briefly at the Midland Depot in Divide, CO. The ranch is just a few miles south on Highway 67 from Divide. The Teller Historic and Environmental Coalition is working to restore and open this piece of history. Click here to see their plans as published earlier this year. The depot is next door to the new police station which is about 1500 feet from the signaled intersection in Divide back toward Woodland Park on Highway 24. From the Coalition’s website: “The Colorado Midland Railway built the first standard gauge line into the Colorado Rockies in 1886. The first Midland Depot in Divide, constructed in 1887, burned and was replaced by the existing structure built in 1903.” For more about the depot, click here. I learned about the existence of this depot from all the framed artwork hanging on the walls, at the John Wesley Ranch, about the Midland Railroad and the depot in Divide. The Coalition usually has a Midland Days event in early September (this year set for September 9th).

The front side of the depot (facing Highway 24).
The rear side of the depot.
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Type of Railcar?

by on Mar.25, 2023, under Uncategorized

What do they call this railcar? And what does it haul? I spotted it in Springfield, MO today. Send answers to

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Branson Scenic Railway

by on Mar.22, 2023, under Uncategorized

We enjoyed the 90-minute round trip on the Branson Scenic Railway this morning. Cool, all-Budd, GE-powered train that runs from Branson along the Turkey Creek into Arkansas and back.

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Union Station, Kansas City, MO

by on Mar.16, 2023, under Uncategorized

If you’ve never been to Union Station in Kansas City, MO, you should visit next time you get a chance. It’s a great example of redeveloping a magnificent piece of history into a healthy going concern. In addition to the little Amtrak corner way off to the side, there are restaurants and attractions of all kinds. On this winter Thursday there were tons of people enjoying the facilities! We’ve been here several times with the kids for things like Science City, City Theatre, and the Planetarium, but today was an adult visit where we focused on the Model Train Gallery and Pierpont’s at Union Station, a restaurant in an old Harvey House location!

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@DownieLive Travels by Train: America

by on Jan.30, 2023, under Amtrak, Colorado, PBJRR

AJ told me about this guy a couple of days ago, and today I finished the last 3 episodes of his trip across America from the southernmost rail station in the country to the northernmost rail station in the country. It was a 10-week odyssey that he documented in 10 episodes on his channel (15 to 25 minutes in length each, roughly). Though I’ve never met him, I’m convinced Michael Downie is a kindred spirit! I highly recommend this series to any rail fan, particularly those of you who like traveling by rail, any kind of rail. He started at Dadeland Station in Miami and ended up at the Fairbanks, Alaska train station ten weeks later (or so). And he hit several iconic, historic, and unique trains along the way. It turns out he hit a few I’ve had the pleasure to ride: the California Zephyr, the Cog Railway at Pikes Peak, the Grand Canyon Railway, and the Alaska Railroad. My next-up bucket list items that Mike’s trip covers are the Rocky Mountaineer Denver to Moab and the Durango and Silverton, both within “easy” reach of Colorado Springs. Mike’s trip starts here on YouTube.


“All Aboard!” Just so I’d have a photo on this post, I threw in the image above of my Dad on our Zephyr trip from Chicago, IL to Emeryville, CA in 2005. This was shot at the Glenwood Springs, CO station. It is pretty hard to beat a train trip across the Rockies in a snow storm!

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To Shiny Rails Sponsors Photo Contest

by on Jan.23, 2023, under Amtrak, SLORRM

To Shiny Rails sponsored last year’s San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum’s first annual (hopefully) Photo Contest. Below is the 1st Place photo. The rest of the winners and honorable mentions can be seen here.

First Place
Taken March 20, 2022 Location: Gaviota, CA. “Put the Coast in Starlight”: Amtrak 14(20) skirts along bluffs above the Pacific Ocean. Seen in the background are the Gaviota pier, the Gaviota trestle, and the semi-green rolling hills of the Coast Range. Running along the ocean and the coastal areas, in general, gives the train its name: the Coast Starlight.

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